View Requests - 609 found

Traffic Signal at 282 Harvard St

Ped signal button not actuating the lights
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. sent to Transportation /Engineering - 6 months ago #SR-93632

Traffic Signal at 61 Park St Coolidge Corner South Side

Two crosswalks on Park Street are half painted. Due to street construction done over the Summer. Work has not been completed. Complete the crosswalk for safety
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 6 months ago #SR-93577
Traffic Signal at 61 Park St Coolidge Corner South Side

Traffic Signal at Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

Please bring back the Pedestrian Crossing signs at busy intersections of Harvard, Lawton right by Levine Funeral Home and Santander Bank. Thank you!
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 6 months ago #SR-93477
Traffic Signal at Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

Traffic Signal at 1774 Beacon St

Damaged traffic signal with exposed wires
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 6 months ago #SR-93530
Traffic Signal at 1774 Beacon St

Traffic Signal at 42.33 N 71.13 W

Button does not call pedestrian signal NO WAY TO SAFELY CROSS FROM RESERVOIR
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. State owned signal . State notified . Also tested button and it worked ok Could of been bypassed because of emergency call - 6 months ago #SR-93434

Traffic Signal at 61 Park St Coolidge Corner South Side

Road work was done awhile back and crosswalk repair has not been completed. In front of town elderly housing
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 6 months ago #SR-93440
Traffic Signal at 61 Park St Coolidge Corner South Side

Traffic Signal at 93–129 Lagrange St, Chestnut Hill

Illegal left turns Princeton and Rangeley Roads during morning hours should be monitored by a traffic officer. Hundreds of cars make the left turns.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. No maintenance issue . Call Police Dept for enforcement - 6 months ago #SR-93445

Traffic Signal at 2–34 Chestnut St

The walk signal goes off every time, even if the button was not pushed. This causes traffic delays. Can the button be fixed so the walk sign only goes off when the button is pushed not every time.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Intersection is on automatic recall per Transportation Dept. Please contact Transportation Dept for more information - 7 months ago #SR-93414

Traffic Signal at School St & Harvard St Central Village Brookline

The green light on the eastbound traffic light on School St and Harvard St is out. Additionally, the left turn signal did not light, and delayed green for traffic from Aspinwall not respected.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 7 months ago #SR-93281

Traffic Signal at 41 Park St

Crosswalk requested at the corner of Auburn and Park. Park Street has heavy BHS and Pierce School foot traffic.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 7 months ago #SR-93342

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