Sidewalk Obstruction at 60 Davis Ave

CLOSED Thank you for using the BrookONline Notify Application. This is the responsibility of the property owner, we will conduct an inspection and communicate accordingly with the owner. - over 3 years ago #24408
Submitted Thu Jun 11, 2020

Private bush growing into sidewalk making it hard for people to walk and wheelchairs to get by. This is an ADA violation

Issue: Trees/Vegetations

address: 60 Davis Ave

coordinates x,y: 758479.2097372144, 2946277.7319734064

coordinates lat,lng: 42.33211383016634, -71.1216137107051

Timestamp Description
Tue Jul 21, 2020 06:38pm Closed with status: Thank you for using the BrookONline Notify Application. This is the responsibility of the property owner, we will conduct an inspection and communicate accordingly with the owner.
Thu Jun 11, 2020 04:09pm Opened
Thu Jun 11, 2020 04:09pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone