Park Playground at 652 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill

CLOSED Thank you for using the BrookONline Notify Application. A work order has been placed in our system to rectify this issue. - over 3 years ago #24796
Submitted Mon Jul 27, 2020

The weeds surrounding lower Soule field are in need of mowing. The soccer club is loosing balls when they go into the over grown area. Would you please arrange for the weeds to be mowed.

Request Type: Park Condition/Repair

address: 652 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill

coordinates x,y: 747619.2814062933, 2942476.3636252894

coordinates lat,lng: 42.32180786132812, -71.16183267971338

Timestamp Description
Wed Sep 09, 2020 02:42pm Closed with status: Thank you for using the BrookONline Notify Application. A work order has been placed in our system to rectify this issue.
Mon Jul 27, 2020 08:56pm Opened
Mon Jul 27, 2020 08:56pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone