View Requests - 119 found

Safe Routes To School at 1475 Beacon St Griggs Park

Seven (7) Brookline DPW vehicles parked in the bike lane on MA SRTS Winter Walk & Roll Day (2/1/23) during morning dropoff to the Driscoll School.
CLOSED about 2 years ago #36763
Safe Routes To School at 1475 Beacon St Griggs Park

Safe Routes To School at 1440 Beacon St Corey Hill

Vehicle parked in the bike lane on MA SRTS Winter Walk & Roll Day (2/1/23) during morning dropoff to the Driscoll School.
CLOSED For live parking complaints, please call the Brookline Police business line at (617) 730-2222. - about 2 years ago #36765
Safe Routes To School at 1440 Beacon St Corey Hill

Safe Routes To School at 1440 Beacon St Corey Hill

Vehicles continue to park in the bike lane at the Beacon St. and Marion St intersection during morning dropoff to Driscoll School
CLOSED For live parking complaints, please call the Brookline Police business line at (617) 730-2222. - about 2 years ago #36727
Safe Routes To School at 1440 Beacon St Corey Hill

Safe Routes To School at 1470 Beacon St Corey Hill

Vehicle driving down bike lane on Beacon St. during afternoon pick-up to Driscoll School
CLOSED Thank you. - about 2 years ago #36639
Safe Routes To School at 1470 Beacon St Corey Hill

Safe Routes To School at 1574 Beacon St Corey Hill

Vehicles continue to park and use the bike lane as a construction staging area on Beacon St during Driscoll School dropoff/pickup times.
CLOSED Please call the Police business line at 617-730-2222 for live parking complaints. - about 2 years ago #36671
Safe Routes To School at 1574 Beacon St Corey Hill

Safe Routes To School at 1322 Beacon St

SUV parked across ramp and crosswalk. Someone blocking this crosswalk happens daily. Please have enforcement, kids having to walk in between cars to cross Beacon
CLOSED Thank you. - about 2 years ago #36684

Safe Routes To School at 1550 Beacon St Corey Hill

Vehicle idling in bike lane on Beacon St. during morning dropoff to Driscoll School
CLOSED For live parking complaints, please call the Police business line at 617-730-2222. - about 2 years ago #36541
Safe Routes To School at 1550 Beacon St Corey Hill

Safe Routes To School at 1580 Beacon St Corey Hill

Construction vehicles continue to park in the bike lane on Beacon St during Driscoll School dropoff/pickup times. Access to the fire hydrant and ADA parking space is also blocked.
CLOSED about 2 years ago #36566
Safe Routes To School at 1580 Beacon St Corey Hill

Safe Routes To School at 280 Harvard St

The traffic associated with the Flix Buses that drop off her is causing dangerous situations for FRR students. The bus frequently parks across the crosswalk here. Cars race to pick up and drop off.
CLOSED Thank you for the information. Your concerns will be addressed. - about 2 years ago #36589

Safe Routes To School at Corey Rd & Salisbury Rd Salisbury Road Corey Farm Brookline

Corey & Salisbury and Corey & Windsor are dangerous for pedestrians-cars speed and don’t let pedestrians cross in crosswalk. Lots of kids take this route to Driscoll. Need flashing light or road bumps
CLOSED Thank you for the information. Your concerns will be addressed. - about 2 years ago #36590

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