View Requests - 185 found

Safe Routes To School at Brookline Village Brookline Norfolk County

Signs in Brookline Village around Brookline VillageT stp.large red font “Kidnapped"with pictures of Israeli hostages.signs are illegal, harmful to children.& scare children, they are illegal.
OPENED about 1 year ago #41833

Safe Routes To School at Blake Rd

Can the cross walk at Tappan and Blake be updated to a lighted pedestrian crossing sign with an on-demand button? Very tough to cross here.
OPENED about 1 year ago #41827
Safe Routes To School at Blake Rd

Safe Routes To School at 261 Clinton Rd

Car parked within 5 feet of crosswalk to school for multiple days
OPENED about 1 year ago #41780
Safe Routes To School at 261 Clinton Rd

Safe Routes To School at 117 Clinton Rd

This sidewalk is always muddy or it gets flooded when it rains. I have reported this problem several times. The mud is very slippery and people can get her to walking to school. Please fix it.
OPENED about 1 year ago #41669
Safe Routes To School at 117 Clinton Rd

Safe Routes To School at Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

The Town needs to install 3 speed bumps on Lawton to SLOW cars consistent driving too fast. There’s a school, playground, kids and older people walking - who want safer conditions.
OPENED about 1 year ago #41584

Safe Routes To School at Clinton Rd Brookline Norfolk County

The stretch of Clinton road between Dean and Chestnut Hill Ave is being treated as a drag strip. Between where Clinton path comes up and dean Rd there are numerous Runkle and BEEP students walking.
OPENED about 1 year ago #41571

Safe Routes To School at Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

Why is it OK for Herb Chambers to use Lawton to load cars? It’s bad enough they drive back of houses 2AM beeping, speeding near playground.Use Comm Avenue to do business! Town needs to do Something!!
OPENED about 1 year ago #41511
Safe Routes To School at Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

Safe Routes To School at 261 Clinton Rd Fisher Hill

reckless driving, more then 20+mph over the speed limit during school hours along Clinton road between Dean Rd. and Chestnut Hill Ave.
OPENED over 1 year ago #41460

Safe Routes To School at 37 Englewood Ave Salisbury Road Corey Farm

No crosswalks across Englewood. No crosswalk or stopline across Lanark. Unable to cross Beacon in one traffic light cycle. Speed limits too high along route and traffic often exceeds those limits.
OPENED over 1 year ago #41455

Safe Routes To School at 46–98 Prince St

Sidewalk impassable - overgrown shrubbery and trees. Kids walk on the road with a blind turn
OPENED over 1 year ago #41454

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