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Pothole at 28 Marshal St

Two small potholes
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102795
Pothole at 28 Marshal St

Pothole at Alton Pl

Please repair various potholes on Alton Place. Thank you.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102302

Pothole at 1 Harvard Square

COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102862
Pothole at 1 Harvard Square

Pothole at 376 Clinton Rd

Asphalt on the Street at the base of the driveway is crumbling creating a pothole. Thanks
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102195

Pothole at 11 Naples Rd

Pothole next to utility cover
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Duplicate request work order already issued - 4 months ago #SR-102708
Pothole at 11 Naples Rd

Pothole at 87 Summit Ave

Dangerous depression in road from construction. Danger to cyclists descending summit Ave. Have seen people crash on it.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. The Highway Department has received your service request, and it has been referred to National Grid. For any question feel free to contact Enginering Department, 617-730-2139. - 4 months ago #SR-102618
Pothole at 87 Summit Ave

Pothole at 45–99 Druce St

Please Repave Druce St for Runkle School
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. DUPLICATE REQUEST. The Highway Department has already assigned Work Order #WO-209996 for this location. - 4 months ago #SR-102616
Pothole at 45–99 Druce St

Pothole at 37 Bartlett Cres

The fresh asphalt that was put down after the new sewage line was installed for 45 Bartlett has settled and it has developed a sink hole i front of the driveway and it fills with water after it rains.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. -The Highway Department, in collaboration with the Engineering Department, has contacted the contractor working in this location to address this request. - 4 months ago #SR-102570
Pothole at 37 Bartlett Cres

Pothole at 37 Bartlett Cres

It has not been resolved as indicated. Concerned when winter comes along and it becomes ice. Slippery patch to be concerned about.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. THIS IS A DUPLICATE REQUEST - 4 months ago #SR-102571
Pothole at 37 Bartlett Cres

Pothole at 24 Parkman St, Brookline 02446

Multiple large potholes in the alleyway behind the hotel that are full of water and breed mosquitos
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. -The Highway Department is dedicated to providing high-quality asphalt repairs for our roads and sidewalks. Regrettably, it's important to note that maintenance work conducted by the Highway Department does not extend to private ways, alley ways or paths. - 4 months ago #SR-102589

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