View Requests - 1,816 found

Sidewalk Obstruction at Powell St

Powell St near Beacon St. Bushes and tree limbs blocking sidewalk. Happens every year.
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99766
Sidewalk Obstruction at Powell St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 261 Winchester St

Hedges are constantly overgrown, making it impossible for two people to pass each other on the sidewalk. Forces one person to either wait or move into the street, which is usually very busy.
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99738
Sidewalk Obstruction at 261 Winchester St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 182 Babcock St

Leaves, overgrown weeds, and bushes in public sidewalk along both Babcock and Abbottsford at corner lot
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99592

Sidewalk Obstruction at 194 Chestnut St

Across the street from 194 Chestnut the sidewalk is completely blocked by hedges
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99587
Sidewalk Obstruction at 194 Chestnut St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 630 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill

The building of 630 Hammond does not maintain their shrubbery on the side of their building which is Heath St. it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk on the sidewalk.
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99410

Sidewalk Obstruction at 28 Babcock St, Brookline 02446

Bush obstructs view of cars, bicycles when exiting Bradford Terrace. And bicyclists’ view of cars exiting. Note FRR school nearby.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 4 months ago #SR-99390
Sidewalk Obstruction at 28 Babcock St, Brookline 02446

Sidewalk Obstruction at 487 Washington St

Overgrown bushes prevent wheelchairs and strollers from using sidewalk. Need it cut back.
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99388
Sidewalk Obstruction at 487 Washington St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 144 Middlesex Rd, Chestnut Hill

Brookline condo, Brookline sidewalk. Greater than 100% expansion of vegetation over the sidewalk, render it impassable. Pedestrians, strollers, wheelchairs, everyone is forced out into the traffic.
REVIEWED Enforcement - 4 months ago #SR-99380
Sidewalk Obstruction at 144 Middlesex Rd, Chestnut Hill

Sidewalk Obstruction at 42.34 N 71.13 W

Sidewalk obstruction
Sidewalk Obstruction at 42.34 N 71.13 W

Sidewalk Obstruction at 36 Chestnut St

Shrub impeding sidewalk walkers
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 4 months ago #SR-99236
Sidewalk Obstruction at 36 Chestnut St

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