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Park Playground at Cypress Street Playground, 224 298 Davis Ave

Found several pieces of broken glass at the splash pad at Cypress Playground. Please check and clean up - thank you!

Park Playground at 123 Davis Ave

Pizza boxes, and garbage on the ground outside of garbage cans
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 4 months ago #SR-102705
Park Playground at 123 Davis Ave

Park Playground at 1–99 Edwin St

Blocking sidewalk
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 4 months ago #SR-102788
Park Playground at 1–99 Edwin St

Park Playground at Billy Ward Playground, 101 Aspinwall Ave, Brookline 02446

3 of the water jets on the splash pad are clogged. Resulting in the streams that are working going much further and higher.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102636
Park Playground at Billy Ward Playground, 101 Aspinwall Ave, Brookline 02446

Park Playground at 19 Devotion St

Splash pad nozzles seem off, hitting bench and basketball court instead of splash pad.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102042
Park Playground at 19 Devotion St

Park Playground at Margaret E. Robinson Playground, Cypress St And Franklin St, Brookline 02445

The water fountain at the playground has either no flow or weak flow.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102637

Park Playground at 89 Columbia St

Catch basin grate/rim left behind after sidewalk replacement project
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 4 months ago #SR-102501
Park Playground at 89 Columbia St

Park Playground at 42.31 N 71.14 W

The Lagoon smells very Briny. Too much salt!
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. NO MATERIALS ARE ADDED TO LAGOON - 4 months ago #SR-102226

Park Playground at 247 Gerry Rd

Court surface is deteriorating. This should be fixed by the resurfacer as its only 1yr old here at the Baker school court. Likely still under warranty
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. DUPLICATE REQUEST - 4 months ago #SR-102318
Park Playground at 247 Gerry Rd

Park Playground at Margaret E. Robinson Playground, 72–80 Franklin St, Brookline 02445

The splash pad at the M. Robinson playground needs to be cleared of wood chips that are covering the ground, probably due to recent rainfalls. It is currently a safety hazard for kids playing there.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. RESIDENT CALLED - BLEW OFF PAD FOR TOWN - 4 months ago #SR-102327

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