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Sidewalk Obstruction at 110 Winchester St

Unnatended Car parked on sidewalk
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. -The Highway Department received your request; however, this should be addressed to the Brookline Police Department. Please contact them at 617-730-2222. - 5 months ago #SR-101938

Sidewalk Obstruction at 229 Washington St

On the sidewalk, in front of 229 Washington Street, near Route 9, I twisted my right ankle on an uneven surface of two slabs of sidewalk concrete. I twisted my ankle, then fell, skinning my left knee
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 5 months ago #SR-101851

Sidewalk Obstruction at Hammond Pond Pkwy, Chestnut Hill

Brush and limbs blocking the pathway alongside the James Circle. Pedestrians have to walk far too close to fast, heavy traffic.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Inspected - Sidewalk areas are clear and not obstructed - 5 months ago #SR-100555
Sidewalk Obstruction at Hammond Pond Pkwy, Chestnut Hill

Sidewalk Obstruction at 2–28 Chestnut Pl

New signs and pole apparently knocked over by vehicle. Please repair
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 5 months ago #SR-101774
Sidewalk Obstruction at 2–28 Chestnut Pl

Sidewalk Obstruction at 630 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill

630 Hammond St. does not maintain their Heath St property. You can’t even see the pole let alone fit in between.
FORWARDED 5 months ago #SR-100531
Sidewalk Obstruction at 630 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill

Sidewalk Obstruction at 16 Netherlands Rd

Bushes extend more than 1/2 way onto sidewalk making it impossible to use, especially on trash day
FORWARDED 5 months ago #SR-100512

Sidewalk Obstruction at 282 Kent St

The bush on the Longwood side of this property is overgrown and blocking the sidewalk. This property has a long history of refusing to address overgrown vegetation blocking the sidewalk
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 5 months ago #SR-100385
Sidewalk Obstruction at 282 Kent St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 51 Centre St

Can the planting beds in this parking lot be maintained and cleared of weedy vegetation? This one is a safety issue by blocking views of pedestrians and cars when pulling out onto Center Street.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 5 months ago #SR-101601
Sidewalk Obstruction at 51 Centre St

Sidewalk Obstruction at Summit Path

Burr plants overgrown on summit path- please remove
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 5 months ago #SR-101635
Sidewalk Obstruction at Summit Path

Sidewalk Obstruction at 40 46 Harvard Ave

Mattress, chair, lamp, this building continues to put out all their crap along the sidewalk, acting like it’s the goodwill for people to pick through.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 5 months ago #SR-100843

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