View Requests - 3,180 found
Other at 50 Sewall Ave
Crosswalk is badly faded, not visible, and therefore dangerous for pedestrians
Public Works, please repaint when temps are warm enough for paint to dry. -
5 days ago
Other at 193 Aspinwall Ave
This is a muddy mess. A couple of years ago when the sidewalk was repaired the people who repaired it mentioned sprinkling grass seeds, but that didn't happen. Could something be done?
6 days ago
Other at 160 Washington St
Man harassing community members on Rt 9 corner
6 days ago
Other at Clyde St
Keep ignoring complaints and I’ll keep complaining until all pedestrians are safe! You are failing our town. Speed bumps, pedestrian flashers and details need to be in place! Do your job
6 days ago
Other at Lee St
Transportation is failing our town! They continue to ignore the most dangerous crosswalks. No plan should be taking more than 1 year to be put in to place!
6 days ago
Other at 1370 Beacon St
20 minutes to get through Coolidge Corner due to fedex truck parked in street during rush hour. Chronic problem. Traffic backed up half a mile. Hundreds of people delayed. Enforcement requested.
Transportation is working with FedEx to solve the problem -
6 days ago
Other at 11 High St
The reconstruction of the High St housing needs to include reconstruction of Walnut and High to add right turn lanes on what's now a parking lot. The 60 and cars bound for the new complex need this.
Thank you for the suggestion. -
6 days ago
Other at Walnut St @ High St
This is still happening months later, and it's still causing the 60 to get stuck in the traffic backups these lights being out of sync cause
The Town is working with a vendor on adaptive signal technology for the signals in this area to fix coordination problems. -
6 days ago
Other at Lee St
Lee street needs speed bumps,pedestrian flashers at ALL crosswalks and cops need to speed trap! It’s not that hard to figure out what needs to be done. Pedestrians need to be safe
Engineering has a traffic calming plan for Lee and Clyde Streets that will be brought to public hearing very soon. -
6 days ago
Other at High St At Cypress St
The cars that park in the intersection in front of the bodega ignore the signals when pulling in and leaving. Please make this a no parking zone with some sort of barrier like on Harvard in CC
Thank you for the suggestion. We will consider the idea and weigh its pros and cons. -
7 days ago
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