View Requests - 748 found
Parking Ticket at 62 Harvard StSame blue Kia EVERY SINGLE NIGHT but does it get a ticket? Nope. Must be nice to park for free in Brookline
Parking Ticket at 400 Washington StBPD do something about these houses that think it’s ok to park half way on the sidewalk obstructing a clear walking path for pedestrians
Parking Ticket at 404 Washington StHaving a garage means you pull in and park your vehicle in it. Instead this home owner thinks it’s ok to block the sidewalk
Parking Ticket at 162 Chestnut StOut of state plates car has not moved since before snow. That’s three days with out one ticket.
Parking Ticket at Blake RdNo parking before 9 but rules don’t apply apparently when it comes to parking any more
Parking Ticket at Sumner RdNo parking before 9. Why bother have these signs if we don’t enforce
Parking Ticket at Tappan StNo parking before 9 but everyone gets away with it
Parking Ticket at 1 Kent StCar parked overnight for at least 2 nights, blocking shoveling
Parking Ticket at 62 Harvard StWhy do we have to continue to call out cars and streets that over night park? Just do your job and drive around town and ticket! Same BLUE KIA EVERY SINGLE NIGHT NO TICKET
Parking Ticket at 59 Marion StIn Allston they tow cars that are in no parking zones, especially when it snows. It's shameful that Brookline treats scofflaws so permissively.