View Requests - 763 found

Parking Issues at 7 Franklin St

The Tesla driver parked their car here all night.
OPENED 17 days ago #53658

Parking Issues at 49 Prince St

red pickup truck parked between no parking signs, cannot get out of driveway
OPENED 18 days ago #53653

Parking Issues at 7 Franklin St

They park their car here for many hours, over night and also their plate expired in 2023.
OPENED 18 days ago #53650
Parking Issues at 7 Franklin St

Parking Issues at 32 Centre St

Car illegally parked in no parking zone.
OPENED 19 days ago #53617

Parking Issues at 9 Downing Rd

Black Cadillac parks every day, interfering with trash removal or residents pulling into driveways. Driver appears to work in the area and car is parked 8-9 hrs. Please enforce 2-hour parking policy
OPENED 19 days ago #53616

Parking Issues at 11 Kendall St

Red sedan blocking sidewalk - too many cars too little driveway
OPENED 19 days ago #53613

Parking Issues at 7 Franklin St

Tesla is so clean, must be parlaying all the money they're saving by street parking every night into detailing and car washes
OPENED 20 days ago #53612

Parking Issues at 32 Centre St

Cars parking on the street n front of 32 centre st with flashers for an hour to hours at a time. These cars don’t get ticketed but if I go over 1 minute on meter I get tickets. Why? Its no parking
OPENED 20 days ago #53592

Parking Issues at 49 Prince St

5th day in a row that this van has blocked our driveway - parked right between 2 -> no parking <- signs. Tow/Ticket
OPENED 21 days ago #53570

Parking Issues at 7 Franklin St

The Tesla driver has left their car parked here over night all weekend.
OPENED 23 days ago #53503

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