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Park Playground at 227 Summit Ave
Are these cones necessary in front of Summit park? I think neighbor puts them there so people won't park in front of his house. Please remove to allow parking for park use
This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline.
The cones are not the DPW's please call police with his issue -
3 months ago
Park Playground at 227 Summit Ave
Why don't you mind your own business
This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline.
3 months ago
Park Playground at 215 Pond Ave
Half the bike path on the greenway was left covered in leaves for a week. Bikes could not go both directions safely, especially at dusk. Near crash.
Work on this request has already been completed.
3 months ago
Park Playground at 288 Cypress St
Contractors are blowing leaves in the playground using two stroke, gas powered blowers. This is a clear violation of the town blower law and is making the playground unusable due to dust and fumes
This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is actually not a violation the By-law states that gas powered blowers are permitted between Oct 1- December 31 -
3 months ago
Park Playground at Waldstein Playground, 37 Dean Rd, Brookline 02445
There is a large broken branch in the tree above the sandbox that could fall at any moment.
Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request.
4 months ago
Park Playground at 24 Highland Rd
Screws fell off the bridge on the structure
Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request.
4 months ago
Park Playground at 42.33 N 71.12 W
Someone broke the locking mechanism again
This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline.
4 months ago
Park Playground at Brookline Public Library, 361 Washington St, Brookline 02445
Can DPW explain why they made a cement block in the grass of the library but yet did not fill in the hole right next to the blocked off area? How does this make sense. Fix the hole so no one falls in
This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline.
4 months ago
Park Playground at Larz Anderson Park, Newton St And Goddard Ave, Brookline 02445
Sprinklers are still running and water is running on to Goddard Ave. Its getting cold out. This morning was close to freezing. Disaster waiting to happen
This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline.
thank you they will be shut down soon -
4 months ago
Park Playground at 71 Kenwood St
Dog poop in playground
Work on this request has already been completed.
4 months ago
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