View Requests - 94 found

Streetlight at 24 Spooner Rd, Chestnut Hill 02467

Street light at foot of driveway is out. Needs replacing.
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - about 8 hours ago #SR-107049

Streetlight at 280 Dudley St

Light out
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 3 days ago #SR-106978
Streetlight at 280 Dudley St

Streetlight at 521 Harvard St

Street light is out
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 6 days ago #SR-106913
Streetlight at 521 Harvard St

Streetlight at 563 Washington St, Brookline 02446

Street light
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 9 days ago #SR-106760

Streetlight at 563 Washington St, Brookline 02446

blinking light
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 9 days ago #SR-106718

Streetlight at Emerald Necklace Trail

Street lamp out
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 15 days ago #SR-106622
Streetlight at Emerald Necklace Trail

Streetlight at Santander Bank Atm, 487 Harvard St, Brookline 02446

Streetlight is out on corner of Harvard and Lawton
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 20 days ago #SR-106444

Streetlight at 1736 Beacon St

Lights are flickering
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 25 days ago #SR-106233
Streetlight at 1736 Beacon St

Streetlight at 11 Clinton Rd

Dead light
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 26 days ago #SR-106194

Streetlight at William H. Lincoln School, 19 Kennard Rd, Brookline 02445

The streetlight at across the street from the driveway to Lincoln school to Kennard is blocked/covered by leaves and branches from a tree. It's very dark on that section of Kennard for kids to see.
RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 26 days ago #SR-106167

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