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Park Playground at Corey Hill Park, Summit Ave, Brookline 02445

Another DAWG off leash, Why not nobody enforces the law
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 2 days ago #SR-106975
Park Playground at Corey Hill Park, Summit Ave, Brookline 02445

Park Playground at Corey Hill Park, Summit Ave, Brookline 02445

Dog off leash constant problem because there is no enforcement
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 2 days ago #SR-106976
Park Playground at Corey Hill Park, Summit Ave, Brookline 02445

Park Playground at 8 Thayer Pl

Handle of the slide is loose and coming off
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 12 days ago #SR-106539
Park Playground at 8 Thayer Pl

Park Playground at 72–80 Franklin St

The date has changed, with no notice, to the 29th. Of course it was originally the 16th, then the 19th, and then the 27th. You owe folks an explanation, an apology and a commitment to doing better
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 12 days ago #SR-106671
Park Playground at 72–80 Franklin St

Park Playground at 72–80 Franklin St

You also need to explain why a new safer surface was needed here. Why was the park allowed to open with an unsafe surface and why was it not installed earlier since opening, or during construction?
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 12 days ago #SR-106672

Park Playground at 360 Goddard Ave

Broken handicap access picnic table top just outside the bbq pavilion at Larz Anderson ParK.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 14 days ago #SR-106453
Park Playground at 360 Goddard Ave

Park Playground at Freeman St, Brookline 02446

Fence door on Freeman st side has a broken latch and can not be secured closed.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 15 days ago #SR-105003

Park Playground at 1–99 Emerson St

This is what happens when an irrigation system repair request (SR101645) goes unaddressed for 48 days. Corner of Davis and Emerson.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 15 days ago #SR-103704
Park Playground at 1–99 Emerson St

Park Playground at 42.34 N 71.11 W

Gap in far corner of fence between train tracks & Brookline Ave field along Aspinwall needs to be secured. Dog recently escaped thru gap & ran onto rail tracks area luckily unhurt. Please fix!
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 15 days ago #SR-101775
Park Playground at 42.34 N 71.11 W

Park Playground at 1–19 Waverly St

Clogged drain ... Again!
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 15 days ago #SR-102282
Park Playground at 1–19 Waverly St

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