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Sidewalk Obstruction at 242 Walnut St

Fence is leaning dangerously blocking the Oakland Rd sidewalk. School children must cross street to avoid the hazard. Fence is at property belonging 234,236,238, 240 & 242 Walnut St.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. The location has been inspected, and the sidewalk obstruction has been cleared. - 3 days ago #SR-109454
Sidewalk Obstruction at 242 Walnut St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 242 Walnut St

Please reach out to the owners of the fence on the Oakland St side of this address. Thankfully it seems to have fallen without hurting anyone but the sidewalk is totally blocked now
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. The location has been inspected, and the sidewalk obstruction has been cleared. - 3 days ago #SR-109536
Sidewalk Obstruction at 242 Walnut St

Sidewalk Obstruction at 1432 Beacon St

Still no ADA access even though previous request marked resolved.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. -This is being discussed between the Engineering Division, Transportation Division, and the property owner. For any question feel free to contact them, 617-730-2139. - 9 days ago #SR-109072

Sidewalk Obstruction at 133 Beaconsfield Rd

NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 13 days ago #SR-109087

Sidewalk Obstruction at 240 Aspinwall Ave

Japanese knotweed taking over the sidewalk.
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. - 13 days ago #SR-100383
Sidewalk Obstruction at 240 Aspinwall Ave

Sidewalk Obstruction at 1440 Beacon St

Construction does not provide ADA accessible option back onto sidewalk
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 17 days ago #SR-108904

Sidewalk Obstruction at 12 Netherlands Rd

National grid parked on the sidewalk forcing people to walk in the road
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 17 days ago #SR-108915

Sidewalk Obstruction at 11 Kendall St

Ever since these people moved into this olace on Sunday they’ve parked their car blocking the sidewalk as they have more cars than parking
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 19 days ago #SR-108861

Sidewalk Obstruction at 656 Chestnut Hill Ave

Leaf bags been sitting for over a week
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 19 days ago #SR-105630
Sidewalk Obstruction at 656 Chestnut Hill Ave

Sidewalk Obstruction at 93 Winchester St

Mattress blocking sidewalk near senior center
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 20 days ago #SR-108856
Sidewalk Obstruction at 93 Winchester St

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  • Sidewalk Obstruction (remove)