View Requests - 119 found

Safe Routes To School at 46 Tappan St

Sign for crosswalk to side, cars fly here even with speed bump. Anything to help slow them down a little is appreciated. Students crossing, need cars to be alert and slow down
CLOSED sign was probably moved for snow clearance. We'll ask the school to put it back. - about 1 hour ago #53544
Safe Routes To School at 46 Tappan St

Safe Routes To School at 32 Grassmere Rd, Chestnut Hill

This intersection has become more and more unsafe over the years, and is now the wild, Wild West, as fewer than half of drivers even slow down at the posted stop signs. Can speed bumps be installed?
CLOSED If you would like to make a traffic calming request, please email - about 1 hour ago #53634

Safe Routes To School at 42.332N 71.118W

Improve the signage, line painting, and enforcement of the crosswalk across Harvard near the post office. My 7 year old and I were nearly hit by not one but two cars who ignored this "stale" red light
CLOSED Active utility work in this area. No improvements until work is done. Will repaint in spring when temps allow paint to dry - about 1 hour ago #53735
Safe Routes To School at 42.332N 71.118W

Safe Routes To School at 207 Washington St

Please repaint this crosswalk ASAP and improve the signs indicating where to stop.
CLOSED Active utility work in this area. No improvements until work is done. Will repaint in spring when temps allow paint to dry - about 1 hour ago #53737
Safe Routes To School at 207 Washington St

Safe Routes To School at 42.332N 71.118W

Please make this crosswalk safer.
CLOSED Active utility work in this area. No improvements until work is done. Will repaint in spring when temps allow paint to dry. - about 1 hour ago #53762
Safe Routes To School at 42.332N 71.118W

Safe Routes To School at 100 Eliot St, Chestnut Hill

How come nobody was notified about the changing of Heath School name?? WHY WHY WHY What about all the Alumni’s?
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 10 days ago #SR-98303

Safe Routes To School at 86–132 Chestnut St

This crosswalk needs more signage/lights. Let's be proactive. Cars use Chestnut as a cut across street to avoid lights elsewhere and speed through this down street. I barely get across safely
CLOSED Thank you for the suggestion. I will ask our crews to install crosswalk signage. - 14 days ago #53511
Safe Routes To School at 86–132 Chestnut St

Safe Routes To School at 31 Hurd Rd

I told you before to restrict trucks from Hurd St. Now another one almost hit kids and got stuck.
CLOSED Trucks of this size are within the range of what people use when they move, so we cannot restrict them. Also any truck restriction would not apply to use by direct abutters for such purposes as moving - 17 days ago #53149
Safe Routes To School at 31 Hurd Rd

Safe Routes To School at 98 Saint Paul St, Brookline 02446

Coming downhill from Longwood Ave, the crosswalk is almost hidden. Cars always zoom past people waiting. We've seen kids almost get hit there many times :( Can we put a blinking crosswalk light?!
CLOSED This intersection will likely receive improvements soon as part of a new Town initiative. I emailed you with more detail. --Amy Ingles, Transportation Administrator - 28 days ago #53041

Safe Routes To School at 30–50 School St

I realize that no one is at the Pierce school now, but there still needs to be a safe way for library patrons to cross School Street! Please put in a crosswalk, at least.
CLOSED There had been a crosswalk there, but it was deemed unsafe due to sightline issues and proximity to an existing signal. We are asking that people cross at Washington St during this interim condition. - about 1 month ago #52824
Safe Routes To School at 30–50 School St

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  • Safe Routes To School (remove)