View Requests - 207 found

Safe Routes To School at 285–293 Walnut St, Brookline 02445

On rainy or snowy days, large puddles accumulate, creating hazards for pedestrians, particularly students. Passing cars often fail to notice these puddles, splashing water onto schoolchildren.
OPENED 1 day ago #54295
Safe Routes To School at 285–293 Walnut St, Brookline 02445

Safe Routes To School at 190 Washington St

Please put new signage to emphasize the stopping location at this red light. Another car went through the red light (not running the light)
OPENED 2 days ago #54279
Safe Routes To School at 190 Washington St

Safe Routes To School at 1 Station St

I understand it is not a good time for repainting. Perhaps you could add those signs that say "stop here on red" with a big arrow, on both sides of the southbound road.
OPENED 3 days ago #54255
Safe Routes To School at 1 Station St

Safe Routes To School at 195 Washington St

My kids were nearly hit by two separate cars going through the stale red light at Station Road coming up from Route 9. Please fix this crosswalk.
OPENED 6 days ago #54072
Safe Routes To School at 195 Washington St

Safe Routes To School at 200 South St, Chestnut Hill

Ice on sidewalk that is hard to see, can the city please ensure sidewalks are properly cleared for path to school?
OPENED 7 days ago #54008
Safe Routes To School at 200 South St, Chestnut Hill

Safe Routes To School at Dean Rd

Bring back the male officer that is usually at this crossing guard location. Female officer has zero clue as what to do. Traffic backed up for miles. She is clueless
OPENED 7 days ago #53998

Safe Routes To School at 1187 Beacon St

No crossing guard at beacon
OPENED 7 days ago #53994

Safe Routes To School at Dean Rd, Chestnut Hill

Dean rd and Clinton rd needs a proper crossing guard.The female officer who stands around doing nothing in the morning needs replacement asap she has no idea what to do for traffic she can’t handle it
OPENED 10 days ago #53857

Safe Routes To School at 1187 Beacon St

No guard today
OPENED 10 days ago #53849

Safe Routes To School at 142 Clinton Rd

Speeding. No regard for pedestrians or children.
OPENED 14 days ago #53721

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  • Safe Routes To School (remove)