Safe Routes To School at 1642 Beacon St Brookline

CLOSED For live parking complaints, please call the Brookline Police business line at (617) 730-2222 - over 1 year ago #36783
Submitted Thu Feb 02, 2023

Vehicles continue to park in the bike lane on Beacon St. during morning dropoff and afternoon pickup times to Driscoll School

What Brookline School is the location in? Driscoll

Request Type: Crossing Guards

address: 1642 Beacon St Brookline

coordinates x,y: 754543.2440956126, 2948949.912413315

coordinates lat,lng: 42.33949339999999, -71.13612789999999

Timestamp Description
Fri Feb 03, 2023 09:46am Closed with status: For live parking complaints, please call the Brookline Police business line at (617) 730-2222
Thu Feb 02, 2023 08:46am Opened
Thu Feb 02, 2023 08:46am Submitted via Web Web