Sidewalk Repair at 11 Abbottsford Rd

COMPLETED remove and repave 4/11 - over 1 year ago #37607
Submitted Tue Apr 04, 2023

sidewalk patch needs repair as it's unpassable via wheelchair

Request Type: Tree Roots

address: 11 Abbottsford Rd

coordinates x,y: 758413.8502958993, 2952484.2494813055

coordinates lat,lng: 42.34914554752628, -71.12175364053913

Timestamp Description
Wed Apr 12, 2023 04:25pm Closed with status: remove and repave 4/11
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:21am Opened
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:21am Submitted via iPhone Iphone