Other at Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

CLOSED Lawton St.is enforced daily by our PCOs for 2 hr. and public safety violations. Thank you. - over 1 year ago #37927
Submitted Thu Apr 20, 2023

Issue tickets. Cars park all day, everyday on Lawton making it difficult to pull in driveway.

Request Type: parking_issues

address: Lawton St North Brookline Brookline

coordinates x,y: 756795.2295978969, 2952272.4489650386

coordinates lat,lng: 42.3485839, -71.12774480000002

Timestamp Description
Fri Apr 21, 2023 02:01pm Closed with status: Lawton St.is enforced daily by our PCOs for 2 hr. and public safety violations. Thank you.
Thu Apr 20, 2023 09:27pm Opened
Thu Apr 20, 2023 09:27pm Submitted via Web Web