Sidewalk Repair at 106 Mason Terrace Corey Hill

CLOSED about 1 year ago #38038
Submitted Sun Apr 30, 2023

My 80 year old wife fell on and this broken sidewalk last night around 106 Mason Terrace (see photos). She hit her face on the sidewalk. The tree blocks the street lights at night. Please fix,

Request Type: Raised

address: 106 Mason Terrace Corey Hill

coordinates x,y: 756481.6129189311, 2949671.7002602136

coordinates lat,lng: 42.3414511, -71.1289468

Timestamp Description
Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:58am Closed
Sun Apr 30, 2023 01:22pm Opened
Sun Apr 30, 2023 01:22pm Submitted via Web Web