Safe Routes To School at 117 Clinton Rd

OPENED 10 months ago #41669
Submitted Tue Oct 10, 2023

This sidewalk is always muddy or it gets flooded when it rains. I have reported this problem several times. The mud is very slippery and people can get her to walking to school. Please fix it.

What Brookline School is the location in? Runkle

Request Type: Crosswalks/Intersections

address: 117 Clinton Rd

coordinates x,y: 754004.7248221475, 2946718.274222139

coordinates lat,lng: 42.33337597529209, -71.13815475016

Timestamp Description
Tue Oct 10, 2023 08:32pm Opened
Tue Oct 10, 2023 08:32pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone