Parking Issues at 8–20 Crowninshield Rd, Boston

COMPLETED Parking restrictions are enforced daily on Crowninshield Rd. Five parking tickets were issued today. Enterprise notified of the complaint. - 9 months ago #42016
Submitted Mon Oct 30, 2023

NO parking on Crowninshield Rd as shown on sign. Enterprise constantly using the street as a backup to their lot. Please address!

address: 8–20 Crowninshield Rd, Boston

coordinates x,y: 758811.8208229321, 2953285.184322122

coordinates lat,lng: 42.35133848650084, -71.12026824389103

Timestamp Description
Mon Oct 30, 2023 07:20pm Closed with status: Parking restrictions are enforced daily on Crowninshield Rd. Five parking tickets were issued today. Enterprise notified of the complaint.
Mon Oct 30, 2023 02:27pm Opened
Mon Oct 30, 2023 02:27pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone