Abandoned Bike at 5 Park St Coolidge Corner South Side

WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 11 months ago #SR-92517
Submitted Fri Sep 08, 2023

Work has NOT been completed. Police are doing NOTHING about this eyesore and sidewalk hazard.

Property Type: Public Property

address: 5 Park St Coolidge Corner South Side

coordinates x,y: 757379.6700508725, 2947942.850796077

coordinates lat,lng: 42.3366963, -71.1256531

Timestamp Description
Mon Sep 11, 2023 02:41pm Closed with status: Work on this request has already been completed.
Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:45am Opened
Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:42am Submitted via Web Web