Public Trees at 459 Washington St Coolidge Corner South Side

RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 9 months ago #SR-94216
Submitted Tue Nov 14, 2023

Feeney brothers are killing 35 year old trees on Washington St.They are disgusting for coming into our town and breaking trees with their carelessness and lack of respect. This is TERRIBLE

Request Type: Tree Damaged

address: 459 Washington St Coolidge Corner South Side

coordinates x,y: 757544.9438115489, 2947704.5497352523

coordinates lat,lng: 42.33604039999999, -71.1250457

Timestamp Description
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:08am Opened
Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:06am Submitted via Web Web