Safe Routes To School at Warren St

NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Transportation is aware and looking at - 5 months ago #SR-96400
Submitted Sun Jan 28, 2024

Caution sign not doing much if bot in crosswalk. Maybe add blinking pedestrian light here. This is a blind crosswalk near an intersection where cars fly towards rt. 9

What Brookline School is the location in? Lincoln

Request Type: Cars Speeding/Driving Dangerously

address: Warren St

coordinates x,y: 755767.7190107285, 2944384.733499637

coordinates lat,lng: 42.32695192453309, -71.13167182303597

Timestamp Description
Sun Jan 28, 2024 09:18pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone