Rodent Issues at 1404 Beacon St

COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. Property Cited. Copley Group contacted - 4 months ago #SR-96730
Submitted Mon Feb 12, 2024

How many requests do we need to make to eliminate this rat cafeteria?! This has been an ongoing problem for YEARS!! Please do what is necessary to have this property clean up their act!!

Property Type: Private Property

Is this a restaurant? No

Issue: Rat Sighting

address: 1404 Beacon St

coordinates x,y: 757499.7839908091, 2949688.232000621

coordinates lat,lng: 42.34148424799551, -71.12518048436334

Timestamp Description
Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:43pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone