Sidewalk Repair at 244 Heath St, Chestnut Hill

NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. This is being discussed between by the Department of Engineering and Transportation and the property owner. For any question feel free to contact them, 617-730-2139 - 4 months ago #SR-96743
Submitted Mon Feb 12, 2024

Why is this property getting away with not fixing their wall? It’s been over two years and it is a danger when walking. FIX THE SIDEWALK

Request Type: Missing Curve

address: 244 Heath St, Chestnut Hill

coordinates x,y: 749419.3271904169, 2942654.535965397

coordinates lat,lng: 42.322277, -71.155174

Timestamp Description
Mon Feb 12, 2024 03:38pm Submitted via Web Web