Streetlight at Driscoll School Playground, 64 Westbourne Terr, Brookline 02446

RECEIVED This request has been received by the Town of Brookline, MA - 5 months ago #SR-96983
Submitted Tue Feb 27, 2024

After the demolition of the old school building, these two street lamps are shining into our homes. These lamps were there for the school alleyway but now that the alley is gone, these are not needed.

Request Type: Light Always On

address: Driscoll School Playground, 64 Westbourne Terr, Brookline 02446

coordinates x,y: 754462.3560176603, 2949335.7133534416

coordinates lat,lng: 42.340553, -71.136421

Timestamp Description
Tue Feb 27, 2024 01:11pm Submitted via Web Web