Park Playground at 20–98 Mulford St

NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. DUPLICATE: Tradesman are aware and will repair when temperatures are in range for adhesive used. - 4 months ago #SR-97637
Submitted Wed Mar 27, 2024

Piece of protective covering for the concrete at Clark Playground is missing and needs replacing. This is next to the play structure with the bridge that is currently being repaired

Request Type: Park Condition/Repair

address: 20–98 Mulford St

coordinates x,y: 757270.1916927074, 2944564.6870112536

coordinates lat,lng: 42.32742778755856, -71.12611278009673

Timestamp Description
Wed Mar 27, 2024 02:22am Submitted via iPhone Iphone