View Requests - 844 found

Traffic Signal at 19 Linden St

falling parking sign
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 8 months ago #SR-100677
Traffic Signal at 19 Linden St

Traffic Signal at Lee St

Maybe if we had any sort of speed control on Lee Street a baby coyote would still be alive!That goes to show you, that people are speeding and not willing to stop.The speeding is out of control!
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 8 months ago #SR-100315

Traffic Signal at 42.34 N 71.14 W

Pedestrian crossing light on Driscoll side does not light up when Salisbury side button pushed.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 8 months ago #SR-99274
Traffic Signal at 42.34 N 71.14 W

Traffic Signal at Cypress St & Boylston St

Open box
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 9 months ago #SR-99946
Traffic Signal at Cypress St & Boylston St

Traffic Signal at 289 Harvard St

I'm not sure why you closed the tickets for the beacon here. The ADA speaker is still not working, the flashing light is still pointed away from traffic and the opposite side lights don't turn on.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 9 months ago #SR-98984

Traffic Signal at 289 Harvard St

The lights are still pointing away from southbound traffic and the button still isn't actuating the lights on the far side. Why is this install so unreliable and why hasn't it been replaced with new?
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 9 months ago #SR-99081

Traffic Signal at Colchester St

Turning left from colchester st onto chapel st is dangerous because of obstructed view. A mirror is needed to observe approaching northbound vehicles and bikes in order to make a safe left turn.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 9 months ago #SR-99036

Traffic Signal at 606 Mountfort St

Walk signal to cross st Mary's on side near 90 doesn't come on during exclusive pedestrian phase
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Walk signal is on when Mountfort gets the green light. - 9 months ago #SR-99205

Traffic Signal at 1158–1180 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill

Corner of Hammond St & Rt 9 west bound Traffic light is timed at ~5-6 seconds. It's causing huge traffic build up for anyone on Rt 9 trying to get out of the city.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. DOT traffic light - 9 months ago #SR-99256
Traffic Signal at 1158–1180 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill

Traffic Signal at 2 Pearl St

Traffic signal on flash
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. - 9 months ago #SR-98276

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