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Traffic Signal at 429 Harvard St

The yellow poles are not staying up and one is missing
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - about 21 hours ago #SR-108348
Traffic Signal at 429 Harvard St

Traffic Signal at 137–141 Cypress St

There are no markings on which lane iswhat. Two lanes are used to go straight into a single lane which creates a mess. Ideally one of these two lanes would be marked as left only or right only.
ON HOLD The Work Order for this Service Request has been put on hold: We have received your request. We are coordinating preparations to begin pavement marking in various areas of the town as soon as weather conditions allow. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We have received your request. We are coordinating preparations to begin pavement marking in various areas of the town as soon as weather conditions allow. We appreciate your patience and understanding. - 2 days ago #SR-110473
Traffic Signal at 137–141 Cypress St

Traffic Signal at 101 Monmouth St

The crosswalks are very faded, making it difficult for drivers to recognize when they need to stop, especially as one direction of traffic at the intersection does not have a stop sign.
ON HOLD The Work Order for this Service Request has been put on hold: We have received your request. We are coordinating preparations to begin pavement marking in various areas of the town as soon as weather conditions allow. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We have received your request. We are coordinating preparations to begin pavement marking in various areas of the town as soon as weather conditions allow. We appreciate your patience and understanding. - 2 days ago #SR-111322
Traffic Signal at 101 Monmouth St

Traffic Signal at Walnut St @ High St

This is still happening months later, and it's still causing the 60 to get stuck in the traffic backups these lights being out of sync cause
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - The Highway Division received your request; however, this matter has been referred to the Transportation Division. Please feel free to contact them for any further follow-up. 617-730-2177 - 2 days ago #SR-111465
Traffic Signal at Walnut St @ High St

Traffic Signal at 624 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill 02467

The signal at Heath and Hammond St continues to be massively out of sync with Route 9, causing backups on both sides and frustration. Please address this.
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. -This request has been referred to Department of Conservation and Recreation. To report road hazards or other conditions on this road, including signs damage, please contact DCR directly through their pothole hotline at (617) 626-1250. - 2 days ago #SR-111477

Traffic Signal at 30 Dean Rd

Extremely dangerous crosswalk over Dean Rd to Waldstein Park. Sign 100% covered by tree - cars coming from four-way intersection on Beacon cannot see crossers. Need flashing lights!
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Request has been forwarded to transportation - 8 days ago #SR-111088

Traffic Signal at 20 Boylston St

The volume of the annunciation is too loud
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. Reset ped button and the volume went back to normal - 9 days ago #SR-111184
Traffic Signal at 20 Boylston St

Traffic Signal at 621 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill 02467

Please address the issue of the traffic signal at Heath and Hammond St being out of sync with the signal on Bolyston St
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Request has been forwarded to transportation - 9 days ago #SR-111353

Traffic Signal at 101–109 Aspinwall Ave

Sign down at intersection
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. - 10 days ago #SR-111035
Traffic Signal at 101–109 Aspinwall Ave

Traffic Signal at Walnut St, Brookline 02445

the left turn signal at Route 9 to to Walnut street behind fire station is too short. barely two cars can make it through, especially during rush hour
NO WORK REQUIRED This request has been marked resolved by the Town of Brookline. Request has been forwarded to transportation - 10 days ago #SR-111341

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