View Requests - 595 found

Other at 108 Lawton St North Brookline

Herb Chambers employees park all day and cut through backyard. Can Town help. Why doesn’t car have a license plate on the front of car it’s a Massachusetts law?
CLOSED Lawton St. is enforced daily by our Parking Control Officers. Not all Mass. registrations require a front license plate. Thank you. - about 1 year ago #37546
Other at 108 Lawton St North Brookline

Other at 5 Harvard Ave Harvard Avenue

Parked over 2 hr limit, and 15 min limit
CLOSED about 1 year ago #37491
Other at 5 Harvard Ave Harvard Avenue

Other at 5 Harvard Ave Harvard Avenue

15 min parking for drop off / pick up . Parked all day, every day
CLOSED Harvard Ave. is enforced daily by our parking control officers. Thank you - about 1 year ago #37537
Other at 5 Harvard Ave Harvard Avenue

Other at 1609 Beacon St

People are driving their cars up the bike lane and parking in it. Can you please narrow the lane a little with the barriers so they can't fit through? Bikes will still have plenty of space.
CLOSED about 1 year ago #37451

Other at 99 Chestnut St

Parked overnight, street cleaner had to go around
CLOSED Thank you. - about 1 year ago #37469
Other at 99 Chestnut St

Other at 97 Aspinwall Ave

Device that emits high pitched sound frequently when cars pass
CLOSED about 1 year ago #37403
Other at 97 Aspinwall Ave

Other at 1–21 Kendall St

Dolma advertising sign blocking a legal parking spot. The road is NOT for advertising.
COMPLETED sign removed - about 1 year ago #37478

Other at 1615 Beacon St Brookline

Bike lane on Beacon St Eastbound just after the Washington Street intersection: please adjust the orangebarriers so cars cannot drive directly into the bike lane and park there.
COMPLETED about 1 year ago #37445

Other at 3 Harvard Square Brookline Village

15 min parking. Parked all day
CLOSED Received. Thank you. - about 1 year ago #37486
Other at 3 Harvard Square Brookline Village

Other at 3 Harvard Ave Harvard Avenue

15 min parking. Parked all day.
CLOSED Received. Thank you. - about 1 year ago #37487
Other at 3 Harvard Ave Harvard Avenue

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